Okay, so the picture this year is Glen Gilmore - a tritone derivative - please note the red polo helmet - his trademark - and what's more the image was taken this weekend (5 August at Ham) - during the Dubai Trophy Finals . It was also a worthy final - excellent free-flowing Polo - a good return of Medium Goal Polo to the London Polo Club. Photoscience.co.uk will be bringing you more images from this friendly club - only 8 miles from Hyde Park Corner - go to their website - www.hampoloclub.com for more information. If you go to Ham - please remember that Polo is an aggressive - physical sport and PLEASE keep children well away from the field of play - a horse at full gallop travels at 38 mph!!!
Matches covered:
Sunday 5 August:
Dubai Trophy Finals; and club matches (Puesto Viejo v Alfred Franks and Bartlett - plus Club American Tournament Cossacks /Libertine/Ojo de Agua
Sunday 12 August
Summer Tournament Finals - The Rosie Adams Bowl:- Los Dientes (3 goal) v Pantera (4 goal) and the Edward Tauchert Bowl
Sunday 19 August